Xu T, Hosseini S, Anderson C, Rinaldi A, Krishnan RG, Martel AL, Goubran M. A generalizable 3D framework and model for self-supervised learning in medical imaging. arXiv.2025
Ntiri EE, Xu T, Rozak MW, Attarpour A, Dorr A, Stefanovic B, Goubran M. A self-supervised deep learning pipeline for segmentation in two-photon fluorescence microscopy. bioRxiv.2025
Rozak M, Mester J, Attarpour A, Dorr A, Patel S, Koletar M, Hill M, McLaurin J, Goubran M, Stefanovic B. A Deep Learning Pipeline for Mapping in situ Network-level Neurovascular Coupling in Multi-photon Fluorescence Microscopy. bioRxiv. 2024.
Zhang AH, He-Mo A, Yin RF, Li C, Tang Y, Gurve D, Ghahjaverestan NM, Goubran M, Wang B, Lim AS. Mamba-based Deep Learning Approaches for Sleep Staging on a Wireless Multimodal Wearable System without Electroencephalography. arXiv. 2024.
Attarpour A, Osmann J, Rinaldi A, Qi T, Lal N, Patel S, Rozak M, Yu F, Cho N, Squair J, McLaurin J, Raffiee M, Deisseroth K, Courtine G, Ye L, Goubran M.A deep learning pipeline for three-dimensional brain-wide mapping of local neuronal ensembles in teravoxel light-sheet microscopy. Nature Methods.2025.
Cho N, Squair JW, Aureli V, James ND, Bole-Feysot L, Dewany I, Hankov N, Baud L, Leonhartsberger A, Sveistyte K, Skinnider MA, Gautier M, Laskaratos A, Galan K, Goubran M….Courtine G.Hypothalamic deep brain stimulation augments walking after spinal cord injury. Nature Medicine.2024.
Ottoy J, Kang MS, Tan JXM, Boone L, Vos de Wael R, Park BY, … Goubran M. Tau follows principal axes of functional and structural brain organization in Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Communications. 2024.
Goubran M, Mills BD, Georgdiadis M, Karimpoor M, Mouchawar N, Sami S, Dennis EL, Akers C, Mitchell LA, Boldt B, Douglas D, DiGiacomo P, Rosenberg J, Camarillo D, Grant G, Wintermark M, Zeineh M. Microstructural Alterations in Tract Development in College Football and Volleyball Players: A Longitudinal Diffusion MRI Study Neurology. 2023.
Boone L, Biparva M, Mojiri Forooshani P, Ramirez J, Masellis M, Bartha R, Symons S, Strother S, Black SE, Heyn C, Martel AL, Swartz R, Goubran M. ROOD-MRI: Benchmarking the robustness of deep learning segmentation models to out-of-distribution and corrupted data in MRI. NeuroImage. 2023.
Hsueh B, Chen R, Jo Y, Tang D, Raffiee M, Kim YS, Inoue M, Randles S, Ramakrishnan C, Patel S, Kim DK…Goubran M, Deisseroth K, Cardiogenic control of affective behavioural state. Nature. 2023.
Meng Y, Goubran M, Rabin JS, McSweeney M, Ottoy J, Pople CB, Huang Y, Storace A, Ozzoude M, Bethune A, Lam B, Swardfager W, Heyn C, Abrahao A, Davidson B, Hamani C, Aubert I, Zetterberg H, Ashton NJ, Karikari TK, Blennow K, Black SE, Hynynen K, Lipsman N. Blood–brain barrier opening of the default mode network in Alzheimer’s disease with magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound. Brain. 2023.
Ottoy J, Ozzoude M, Zukotynski K, Kang MS, Adamo S, Scott C, Ramirez J, Swardfager W, Lam B, Bhan A, Mojiri P … Black SE, Goubran M. Amyloid-PET of the white matter: Relationship to free water, fiber integrity, and cognition in patients with dementia and small vessel disease. Journal of Cerebral Flow & Metabolism. 2023.
Ottoy J, Ozzoude M, Zukotynski K, Adamo S, Scott C, Gaudet V, Ramirez J, Swardfager W, Cogo-Moreira H, Lam B, Bhan A … Goubran M. Vascular burden and cognition: Mediating roles of neurodegeneration and amyloid-PET. Alzheimer’s and Dementia. 2022.
Mojiri PF, Biparva M, Ntiri EE, Ramirez J, Boone L, Holmes M, Adamo S, Gao F, Ozzoude M, Scott CJM, Dowlatshahi D, Lawrence-Dewar JM, Kwan D, Lang AE, Marcotte K, Leonard C, Rochon E, Heyn C, Bartha R, Strother S, Tardif J-C, Symons S, Masellis M, Swartz RH, Moody A, Black SE, Goubran M. Deep Bayesian Unet for uncertainty estimation and adversarial resistance of white matter hyperintensity segmentation. Human Brain Mapping. 2022.
Luciw NJ, Shirzadi Z, Black SE, Goubran M, MacIntosh BJ. A deep learning approach for simultaneous estimation of quantitative cerebral blood flow and arterial transit time from multiple-delay arterial spin-labelled magnetic resonance images. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2022.
Khan AR, Ottoy J, Goubran M. Towards a comprehensive 3D mapping of tau progression in early Alzheimer’s disease. Brain. 2021
Xhima K, McMahon D, Ntiri E, Goubran M, Hynynen K, Aubert I. Intravenous and noninvasive drug delivery to the mouse basal forebrain using MRI-guided focused ultrasound. Bio-protocol. 2021. Accepted.
Ntiri E, Holmes M, Forooshani P, Ramirez J, Gao F, Ozzoude M, Adamo S, Scott C, Dowlatshahi D, Lawrence-Dewar J, Kwan D, Lang T, Symons S, Bartha R, Strother S, Tardif J-C, Masellis M, Swartz R, Moody A, Black SE, Goubran M. Improved segmentation of the intracranial and ventricular volumes in populations with cerebrovascular lesions and atrophy using 3D CNNs. Neuroinformatics. 2020.
Leuze C,* Goubran M,* Barakovic M,* Aswendt M, Tian Q, Hsueh B, Crow A, Weber E, Steinberg G, Zeineh M, Plowey E, Daducci A, Innocenti G, Thiran JP, Deisseroth K, McNab JA. Comparison of diffusion MRI and CLARITY fiber orientation estimates in both gray and white matter regions of human and primate brain. Neuroimage. 2021;228:117692.
Mills BD,* Goubran M,* Parivash SN, Dennis EL, Rezaii P, Akers C, Bian W, Mitchell LA, Boldt B, Douglas D, Sami S, Mouchawar N, Wilson EW, DiGiacomo P, Parekh M, Do H, Lopez J, Rosenberg J, Camarillo D, Grant G, Wintermark M, Zeineh M. Longitudinal alteration of cortical thickness and volume in high-impact sports. NeuroImage. 2020;217:116864
Davidson B, Hamani C, Rabin JS, Goubran M, Meng Y, Huang Y, Baskaran A, Sharma S, Ozzoude M, Richter MA, Levitt A, Giacobbe P, Hynynen K, Lipsman N. Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound capsulotomy for refractory obsessive compulsive disorder and major depressive disorder: clinical and imaging results from two phase I trials. Molecular Psychiatry.2020.
Guo F, Ng M, Goubran M, Petersen SE, Piechnik SK, Neubauer S, Wright G. Improving cardiac MRI convolutional neural network segmentation on small training datasets and dataset shift: A continuous kernel cut approach. Medical Image Analysis. 2020;61:101636
Boillat M, Hammoudi P-M, Dogga SK, Pagès S, Goubran M, Rodriguez I, Soldati-Favre D. Neuroinflammation-Associated Aspecific Manipulation of Mouse Predator Fear by Toxoplasma gondii. Cell Reports. 2020;30(2):320-334.e6.
Goubran M, Ntiri EE, Akhavein H, Holmes M, Nestor S, Ramirez J, Adamo S, Ozzoude M, Scott C, Gao F, Martel A, Swardfager W, Masellis M, Swartz R, MacIntosh B, Black SE. Hippocampal segmentation for brains with extensive atrophy using three‐dimensional convolutional neural networks. Human Brain Mapping. 2020;41(2):291-308
Goubran M, Leuze C, Hsueh B, Aswendt M, Ye L, Tian Q, Cheng MY, Crow A, Steinberg GK, McNab JA, Deisseroth K, Zeineh M. Multimodal image registration and connectivity analysis for integration of connectomic data from microscopy to MRI. Nature Communications. 2019;10(1):5504
Parivash SN,* Goubran M,* Mills BD, Rezaii P, Thaler C, Wolman D, Bian W, Mitchell LA, Boldt B, Douglas D, Wilson EW, Choi J, Xie L, Yushkevich PA, DiGiacomo P, Wongsripuemtet J, Parekh M, Fiehler J, Do H, Lopez J, Rosenberg J, Camarillo D, Grant G, Wintermark M, Zeineh M. Longitudinal Changes in Hippocampal Subfield Volume Associated with Collegiate Football. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2019;36(19):2762-2773.
Hernandez F,* Giordano C,* Goubran M,* Parivash S, Grant G, Zeineh M, Camarillo D. Lateral impacts correlate with falx cerebri displacement and corpus callosum trauma in sports-related concussions. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2019;18(3):631-649.
Guo J, Gong E, Fan AP, Goubran M, Khalighi MM, Zaharchuk G. Predicting 15 O-Water PET cerebral blood flow maps from multi-contrast MRI using a deep convolutional neural network with evaluation of training cohort bias. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism.2019:0271678X1988812.
Terem I, Ni WW, Goubran M, Rahimi MS, Zaharchuk G, Yeom KW, Moseley ME, Kurt M, Holdsworth SJ. Revealing sub-voxel motions of brain tissue using phase-based amplified MRI (aMRI) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2018;80(6):2549-2559.
Ito M, Aswendt M, Lee AG, Ishizaka S, Cao Z, Wang EH, Levy SL, Smerin DL, McNab JA, Zeineh M, Leuze C, Goubran M, Cheng MY, Steinberg GK. RNA-Sequencing Analysis Revealed a Distinct Motor Cortex Transcriptome in Spontaneously Recovered Mice After Stroke. Stroke. 2018;49(9):2191-2199.
Federau C,* Goubran M,* Rosenberg J, Henderson J, Halpern CH, Santini V, Wintermark M, Butts Pauly K, Ghanouni P. Transcranial MRI-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound for treatment of essential tremor: A pilot study on the correlation between lesion size, lesion location, thermal dose, and clinical outcome: Transcranial MRgFUS. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2018;48(1):58-65.
Santyr BG, Goubran M, Lau JC, Kwan BYM, Salehi F, Lee DH, Mirsattari SM, Burneo JG, Steven DA, Parrent AG, de Ribaupierre S, Hammond RR, Peters TM, Khan AR. Investigation of hippocampal substructures in focal temporal lobe epilepsy with and without hippocampal sclerosis at 7T: Hippocampal Substructures at 7T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2017;45(5):1359-1370
Zeineh MM, Palomero-Gallagher N, Axer M, Gräβel D, Goubran M, Wree A, Woods R, Amunts K, Zilles K. Direct Visualization and Mapping of the Spatial Course of Fiber Tracts at Microscopic Resolution in the Human Hippocampus. Cerebral Cortex.2016:bhw010.
Goubran M, Bernhardt BC, Cantor-Rivera D, Lau JC, Blinston C, Hammond RR, de Ribaupierre S, Burneo JG, Mirsattari SM, Steven DA, Parrent AG, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N, Peters TM, Khan AR. In vivo MRI signatures of hippocampal subfield pathology in intractable epilepsy: Subfield-Specific MRI Signatures of HS. Human Brain Mapping. 2016;37(3):1103-1119.
Bernhardt BC, Bernasconi A, Liu M, Hong S-J, Caldairou B, Goubran M, Guiot MC, Hall J, Bernasconi N. The spectrum of structural and functional imaging abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy: Imaging Spectrum of TLE. Annals of Neurology. 2016;80(1):142-153.
Pujol S, Wells W, Pierpaoli C, Brun C, Gee J, Cheng G, Vemuri B, Commowick O, Prima S, Stamm A, Goubran M, Khan A, Peters T, Neher P, Maier-Hein KH, Shi Y, Tristan-Vega A, Veni G, Whitaker R, Styner M, Westin C-F, Gouttard S, Norton I, Chauvin L, Mamata H, Gerig G, Nabavi A, Golby A, Kikinis R. The DTI Challenge: Toward Standardized Evaluation of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography for Neurosurgery: The DTI Challenge on Tractography for Neurosurgery. Journal of Neuroimaging. 2015;25(6):875-882.
Goubran M, Hammond RR, de Ribaupierre S, Burneo JG, Mirsattari S, Steven DA, Parrent AG, Peters TM, Khan AR. Magnetic resonance imaging and histology correlation in the neocortex in temporal lobe epilepsy: MRI-Histology in Epilepsy.Annals of Neurology. 2015;77(2):237-250.
Goubran M, de Ribaupierre S, Hammond RR, Currie C, Burneo JG, Parrent AG, Peters TM, Khan AR. Registration of in-vivo to ex-vivo MRI of surgically resected specimens: A pipeline for histology to in-vivo registration. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2015;241:53-65
Ali R,* Goubran M,* Choudhri O, Zeineh MM. Seven-Tesla MRI and neuroimaging biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease. Neurosurgical Focus. 2015;39(5):E4
Goubran M, Rudko DA, Santyr B, Gati J, Szekeres T, Peters TM, Khan AR. In vivo normative atlas of the hippocampal subfields using multi‐echo susceptibility imaging at 7 Tesla. Human Brain Mapping. 2014;35(8):3588-3601.
Goubran M, Crukley C, de Ribaupierre S, Peters TM, Khan AR. Image registration of ex-vivo MRI to sparsely sectioned histology of hippocampal and neocortical temporal lobe specimens. NeuroImage. 2013;83:770-781
Heyn C, Moody AR, Tseng CL, Wong E, Kang T, Kapadia A, Howard P, Maralani P, Symons S, Goubran M, Martel A, Chen H, Myrehaug S, Detsky J, Sahgal A, Soliman H. Segmentation of Brain Metastases Using Background Layer Statistics (BLAST). American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2023.
Zebarth J, Kamal R, Perlman G, Ouk M, Xiong LY, Yu D, Lin WZ, Ramirez J, Masellis M, Goubran M et al. Perivascular spaces mediate a relationship between diabetes and other cerebral small vessel disease markers in cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease. 2023.
Ozzoude M, Varriano B, Beaton D, Ramirez J, Adamo S, Holmes MF, Scott CJM, Gao F, Sunderland KM, McLaughlin P, Goubran M et al. White matter hyperintensities and smaller cortical thickness are associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms in neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy. 2023.
Karimpoor M, Georgiadis M, Zhao MY, Goubran M, Moein Taghavi H, Mills BD, Tran D, Mouchawar N, Sami S, Wintermark M, Grant G, Camarillo DB, Moseley ME, Zaharchuk G, Zeineh MM. Longitudinal Alterations of Cerebral Blood Flow in High-Contact Sports. Annals of Neurology. 2023.
Teller N, Chad JA, Wong A, Gunraj H, Ji X, Goubran M, Gilboa A, Roudaia E, Sekuler A, Churchill N, Schweizer T, Gao F, Masellis M, Lam B, Heyn C, Cheng I, Fowler R, Black SE, MacIntosh BJ, Graham SJ, Chen JJ. Feasibility of diffusion-tensor and correlated diffusion imaging for studying white-matter microstructural abnormalities: Application in COVID-19. Human Brain Mapping. 2023.
Churchill NW, Roudaia E, Chen JJ, Gilboa A, Sekuler A, Ji X, Gao F, Lin Z, Jegatheesan A, Masellis M, Goubran M, Rabin JS, Lam B, Cheng I, Fowler R, Heyn C, Black SE, MacIntosh BJ, Graham SJ, Schweizer TA. Effects of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome on the functional brain networks of non-hospitalized individuals. Frontiers in Neurology. 2023.
Geng J, Gao F, Ramirez J, Honjo K, Holmes MF, Adamo S, Ozzoude M, Szilagyi GM, Scott CJM, Stebbins GT, Nyenhuis DL, Goubran M, Black SE. Secondary thalamic atrophy related to brain infarction may contribute to post-stroke cognitive impairment. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2022.
Yu D, Liang N, Zebarth J, Shen Q, Ozzoude M, Goubran M, et al. Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Derived Linoleic Acid Oxylipins, Small Vessel Disease Markers, and Neurodegeneration in Stroke. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2022.
Kim WSH, Ji X, Roudaia E, Chen JJ, Gilboa A, Sekuler A, Gao F, Lin Z, Jegatheesan A, Masellis M, Goubran M, Rabin JS, Lam B, Cheng I, Fowler R, Heyn C, Black SE, Graham SJ, MacIntosh BJ. MRI Assessment of Cerebral Blood Flow in Nonhospitalized Adults Who Self-Isolated Due to COVID-19. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2022.
Hamani C, Davidson B, Corchs F, Abrahao A, Nestor SM, Rabin JS, Nyman AJ,Phung L, Goubran M, Levitt A, Talakoub O, Giacobbe P, Lipsman N. Deep brain stimulation of the subgenual cingulum and uncinate fasciculus for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 2022.
Meng Y, Pople CB, Huang Y, Jones R, Ottoy J, Goubran M, Oliveira LM, Lawrence L, Lau A, Bethrune A, Maralani P, Abrahao A, Hamani C, Hynynen K, Kalia S, Lipsman N, Kalia L. Putaminal Recombinant Glucocerebrosidase Delivery with Magnetic Resonance–Guided Focused Ultrasound in Parkinson’s Disease: A Phase I Study. Movement Disorders. 2022.
Ozzoude M, Varriano B, Ramirez J, Holmes MF, Deaton D, Sunderland K, McLaughlin P, Rabin J, Goubran M, et al. Investigating the Contribution of White Matter Hyperintensities and Cortical Thickness to Empathy and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Neurodegenerative Diseases. GeroScience. 2022.
Davidson B, Giacobbe P, George TP, Nestor SM, Rabin JS, Goubran M, Nyman AJ, Baskaran A, Meng Y, Pople CB, Graham SJ, Tam F, Hamani C, Lipsman N. Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens in the treatment of severe alcohol use disorder: a phase I pilot trial. Molecular Psychiatry. 2022.
Thaler C, Tian Q, Wintermark M, Ghanouni P, Halpern CH, Henderson JM, Airan RD, Zeineh M, Goubran M, Leuze C, Fiehler J, Butts Pauly K, McNab JA. Changes in the Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Network After Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy. Brain Connectivity. 2022.
Shirzadi Z, Yau WW, Schultz SA, Schultz AP, Scott MR, Goubran M, Mojiri-Forooshani P, Joseph-Mathurin N, Kantarci K, Preboske G, Wermer MJH, Jack C, Benzinger T, Taddei K, Sohrabi HR, Sperling RA, Johnson KA, Bateman RJ, Martins RN, Greenberg SM, Chhatwal JP; DIAN Investigators. Progressive White Matter Injury in Preclinical Dutch Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy. Annals of Neurology. 2022.
McAllister D, Akers C, Boldt B, Mitchell LA, Tranvinh E, Douglas D, Goubran M, Georgiadis M, DiGiacomo P, Grant G, Camarillo D, Wintermark M, Zeineh M. Neuroradiologic Evaluation of MRI in High-Impact Sports. Frontiers in Neurology. 2021.
Callahan B, Ramakrishnan N, Shammi P, Bierstone D, Taylod R, Ozzoude M, Goubran M, Stuss DT, Black SE. Distinct cognitive and neuroimaging profiles in later-life attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Attention Disorders. 2021.
MacIntosh BJ, Ji X, Chen JJ, Gilboa A, Roudaia E, Sekuler A, Gao F, Chad JA, Jegatheesan A, Masellis M, Goubran M, Rabin J, Lam B, Cheng I, Fowler R, Heyn C, Black SE, Graham SJ. Brain structure and function in people recovering from COVID-19 after hospital discharge or self-isolation: a longitudinal observational study protocol. CMAJ open. 2021. In-press
Ozzoude M, Ramirez J, Raamana PR, Holmes FM, Walker K, Scott JMC, Gao F, Goubran M, Kwan, D., Tartaglia CM, Beaton D, Saposnik G, Hassan, A, Lawrence-Dewar J, Dowlatshahi D, Strother CS, Symons S, Bartha R, Swartz HR, Black ES. Cortical thickness estimation in individuals with cerebral small vessel disease, focal atrophy, and chronic stroke lesions. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020
Madsen SJ, DiGiacomo PS, Zeng Y, Goubran M, Chen Y, Rutt BK, Pelc N, Born D, Sinclair R, Zeineh M. Correlative Microscopy to Localize and Characterize Iron Deposition in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports. 2020
Ramirez J, Holmes MF, Scott CJM, Ozzoude M, Adamo S, Szilagyi GM, Goubran M, Gao F, Arnott SR, Lawrence-Dewar JM, Beaton D, Strother SC, Munoz DP, Masellis M, Swartz RH, Bartha R, Symons S, Black SE. Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative (ONDRI): Structural MRI Methods and Outcome Measures. Frontiers in Neurology. 2020;11
Carlson ML, DiGiacomo PS, Fan AP, Goubran M, Khalighi MM, Chao SZ, Vasanawala M, Wintermark M, Mormino E, Zaharchuk G, James ML, Zeineh MM. Simultaneous FDG-PET/MRI detects hippocampal subfield metabolic differences in AD/MCI. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1):12064.
Davidson B, Mithani K, Huang Y, Jones R, Goubran M, Meng Y, Snell J, Hynynen K, Hamani C, Lipsman N. Technical and Radiographic Considerations for Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Capsulotomy. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2020;11
Zukotynski K, Gaudet V, Kuo PH, Adamo S, Goubran M, Scott CJM, Bocti C, Borrie M, Chertkow H, Frayne R, Hsiung R, Laforce RJ, Noseworthy MD, Prato FS, Sahlas DJ, Smith EE, Sossi V, Thiel A, Soucy J-P, Tardif J-C, Black SE. The Use of Random Forests to Identify Brain Regions on Amyloid and FDG PET Associated With MoCA Score. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 2020;45(6):427–433
Davidson B, Suresh H, Goubran M, Rabin JS, Meng Y, Mithani K, Pople CB, Giacobbe P, Hamani C, Lipsman N. Predicting response to psychiatric surgery: a systematic review of neuroimaging findings. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience. 2020;45(3).
Zukotynski K, Gaudet V, Kuo PH, Adamo S, Goubran M, Scott C, Bocti C, Borrie M, Chertkow H, Frayne R, Hsiung R, Laforce R, Noseworthy MD, Prato FS, Sahlas DJ, Smith EE, Sossi V, Thiel A, Soucy J-P, Tardif J-C, Black SE. The Use of Random Forests to Classify Amyloid Brain PET. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 2019;44(10):784-788.
Zukotynski K, Gaudet V, Kuo PH, Adamo S, Goubran M, Scott C, Bocti C, Borrie M, Chertkow H, Frayne R, Hsiung R, Laforce R, Noseworthy MD, Prato FS, Sahlas DJ, Smith EE, Sossi V, Thiel A, Soucy J-P, Tardif J-C, Black SE. Non-Binary Approaches for Classification of Amyloid Brain PET. IEEE ISMVL. 2019.
Bian W, Kerr AB, Tranvinh E, Parivash S, Zahneisen B, Han MH, Lock CB, Goubran M, Zhu K, Rutt BK, Zeineh MM. MR susceptibility contrast imaging using a 2D simultaneous multi-slice gradient-echo sequence at 7T. PLOS ONE. 2019;14(7):e0219705.
Tian Q, Wintermark M, Jeffrey Elias W, Ghanouni P, Halpern CH, Henderson JM, Huss DS, Goubran M, Thaler C, Airan R, Zeineh M, Pauly KB, McNab JA. Diffusion MRI tractography for improved transcranial MRI-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy targeting for essential tremor. NeuroImage: Clinical. 2018;19:572-580.
Leuze C, Aswendt M, Ferenczi E, Liu CW, Hsueh B, Goubran M, Tian Q, Steinberg G, Zeineh MM, Deisseroth K, McNab JA. The separate effects of lipids and proteins on brain MRI contrast revealed through tissue clearing. NeuroImage. 2017;156:412-422.
Cantor-Rivera D, Baxter JSH, de Ribaupierrre S, Lau JC, Mirsattari SM, Goubran M, Burneo JG, Steven DA, Peters TM, Khan AR. Individual feature maps: a patient-specific analysis tool with applications in temporal lobe epilepsy. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2016;11(1):53-71.
Douglas D, Goubran M, Wilson E, Xu G, Tripathi P, Holley D, Chao S, Wintermark M, Quon A, Zeineh M, Vasanawala M, Zaharchuk G. Correlation between arterial spin labeling MRI and dynamic FDG on PET-MR in Alzheimer’s disease and non-Alzhiemer’s disease patients. EJNMMI Physics. 2015.
Rajchl M, Stirrat J, Goubran M, Yu J, Scholl D, Peters TM, White JA. Comparison of semi-automated scar quantification techniques using high-resolution, 3-dimensional late-gadolinium-enhancement magnetic resonance imaging. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. 2015;31(2):349-357.
Cantor-Rivera D, Khan AR, Goubran M, Mirsattari SM, Peters TM. Detection of temporal lobe epilepsy using support vector machines in multi-parametric quantitative MR imaging. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.2015.
Khan AR, Goubran M, de Ribaupierre S, Hammond RR, Burneo JG, Parrent AG, Peters TM. Quantitative relaxometry and diffusion MRI for lateralization in MTS and non-MTS temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research. 2014.